Batch traceability - creating transparency with seamless traceability

Batch traceability is indispensable for many companies and a Important prerequisite for monitoring safety and quality standards and to be able to guarantee this. This measure is also very important within a supply chain.

The fact that product deliveries with a Batch labeling This makes it possible to track exactly at which point in the supply chain products from certain production batches or lots are currently located. This means that quality checks or product recalls can be carried out effectively, for example.

What is batch tracing?

Batch tracing is the Tracing the origin of a batch based on information about the componentsused to manufacture this batch. This ensures that for each batch it is possible to trace exactly where these components came from and how they ended up in the product. Batch traceability is an important tool for ensuring the Quality and Security of the products to ensure.

Goals Batch tracing

  • Creating transparency throughout the entire manufacturing process
  • Identify suppliers faster
  • Faster troubleshooting in production
  • Remove defective products from the market quickly
  • Reduce the risk of product recalls and quality problems

Batch obligation for companies: Legal basis

Transparent batch traceability is mandatory in many industries. The exact legal requirementsvary depending on industry and region. Companies should therefore familiarize themselves with the specific laws and standards in their industry to ensure that they comply with traceability requirements.

Industries with a batch requirement include:

  • Food and animal feed industry
  • Pharmaceuticals and chemicals
  • Pharmaceuticals and medical technology
  • Automotive industry, railroad and aircraft construction
  • Cosmetics industry

Various laws and guidelines stipulate batch traceability. In the food industry, for example, this is the Regulation No. 178/2002, Article 18 of the European Court of Justice, in the pharmaceutical industry the Good Manifacturing Practices (GMP), and for medical technology the Medical Device Regulation (MDR). In many industries, the DIN ISO 9001 as a standard for quality assurance and batch tracing.

If a quality defect is identified in a production process, production must be interrupted until the defect has been rectified. Affected products are removed from the supply chain, e.g. by recalling deliveries or issuing calls to end customers to exchange them. The defective products are usually disposed of by the manufacturer.

With Bulk goods and goods in Shaking pots the batch obligation is suspended. Here Batch inaccuracy as deliveries cannot be separated without excessive effort due to the process and the nature of the goods. For these products, it may be necessary to block the entire production batch in exceptional cases.

Certain Details on the origin and production process of products are also mandatory under most legal regulations. This information must be stored transparently for each batch and within 24h can be delivered to controlling bodies.

Mandatory information for batch tracing

  1. Batch number, lot number, or other identifiable number
  2. Details of origin, information and contact to the manufacturer or supplier
  3. Production date, possibly production time
  4. Raw materials and ingredients used, individual components
  5. Volume/quantity of products in the batch
  6. Production facilities used
  7. Distribution channels

How does batch tracing work?

In order to be able to trace the exact batch of products completely and transparently, they must be Clearly identifiable be. Through a clear Product labeling of each production batch or production lot by Batch numbers companies can monitor the whereabouts of their products in the distribution network.

The production batch is noted on every finished parts container at the producer, every sub-packaging container of the delivery and the delivery bill. This enables producers, suppliers and dealers to react quickly in the event of recalls or quality problems. The batch numbers serve as an identification feature that makes it possible to identify affected Precisely localize and identify batches.

Downstream tracing and Upstream tracing are two different approaches to batch traceability that are used in the supply chain. The main difference between the two lies in the Directionin which the traceability takes place.


Downstream tracing involves tracing the path of a product delivery. von the production via intermediaries to the end consumer tracked. This means that information about production batches and their movements towards the sales flow is recorded. This approach enables companies to monitor the whereabouts of their products in the distribution network and react quickly in the event of recalls or quality problems.


In contrast, upstream tracing concentrates on the Path of raw materials and componentswhich are included in the Production of a product flow in. This involves recording information about suppliers and their batches in order to verify the origin and quality of the materials used. This enables the company to ensure the traceability of its products back to the suppliers and identify potential risks in the supply chain.

Both tracing models can also be combined to ensure comprehensive traceability.

Regardless of which model is selected and whether batch numbers or other identification features are used, the batch traceability process is usually as follows.

Procedure Batch tracing

  1. Collect information: First, all relevant information on the raw materials used, production batches and distribution channels is recorded and documented. The legally required information is thus fulfilled.
  2. Mark batches: Each production batch is given a unique identification, such as a batch number. This identification is noted on product containers and packaging.
  3. Documenting movements: Throughout the entire process, all movements of the product batch are precisely documented, e.g. by means of internal withdrawal slips and outgoing delivery bills. This includes transportation from one location to another, storage and sales.
  4. Link information: The recorded information is linked to each other in order to be able to trace the entire path of the product batch. This means that in the event of recalls or quality problems, it is possible to quickly determine which batches are affected and where they are located.
  5. Ensure traceability: Regular checks and inspections ensure that batch tracing is carried out properly and that all information is recorded and documented correctly.

Improve the traceability of your products with batch tracing in ERP systems

ERP systemsEnterprise Resource Planning, allow digital resource planning and tracking of executed production steps and generated batches. The Batch tracing with ERP systems is usually achieved by linking information on the individual batches with the corresponding production and supply chain processes. The system is a Central databasewhere information on the batches can be called up.

Batch tracing with ERP systems enables companies to react more quickly to potential problems, as batches or lots affected by errors can be identified more quickly.

Advantages of using batch traceability software with ERP systems

Batch tracing offers many Advantages for companies of all sizes. On the one hand, it creates the necessary transparency across the entire manufacturing process, which in turn facilitates quality assurance. In addition, companies can react more quickly to potential problems by tracing batches, as errors can be identified more quickly.

Advantages of batch tracing at a glance:

  • Transparency throughout the entire manufacturing process
  • Faster troubleshooting
  • Improvement and assurance of product quality
  • Reliable and reconstructable supply chains
  • Offers maximum process reliability
  • Overview of all data

Seamless batch tracking: From order to goods issue

As soon as a production order for a new batch is received, it is automatically created in the system and can be tracked from then on. Batch movements are recorded from order receipt to goods issue: Each load unit of products is identified with a Barcode label which can be precisely assigned to the batch. In addition, each individual product can have a label with a Serial number received.

This barcode is scanned on receipt and issue at every interim storage facility or production site. In this way, every movement of the goods is tracked and the stock of the batch is constantly monitored.

Batch tracing with the software from MK|Goods

For complete and transparent traceability of your batches, our software MK|Label to the side. By attaching a label to a load unit, the transport and product packaging is marked with important dateswhich are essential for comprehensive batch traceability. The facilitates communication between manufacturer, freight forwarder and recipient.

In addition, our software can MK|Code Your processes within batch traceability with a even more detailed insight support. Your production processes can be documented with the help of individual serial numbers. This gives you a complete overview in the event of complaints. With the Combination of our software MK|Label and MK|Code you are guaranteed complete and easily assignable traceability.

How MK|Ware batch tracing works

In the example shown, two primary materials (green and orange), each with a batch number, are used to produce products for an order. The products are also given batch numbers and are packed in boxes which are stored on pallets. If a Production errors due to an inferior Input material in a carton can be detected by MK|Ware precisely identified The system can identify which batch of primary material is faulty. The batch can in turn be used to identify the end products into which the input material has still flowed, and these cartons are also blocked - the rest of production can continue while the affected cartons and materials are sorted out. targeted be taken out of circulation.

This detailed identification goes beyond the capabilities of software from other providers: Without software such as MK|Label the entire production stopped or all products would be written off as faulty production, as it would not be possible to trace which input materials were used in which exact product batches.

Put your trust in MK|Ware - we will be happy to advise you on the possibilities of our solutions in your company.