What is machine data acquisition (MDA)?

Machine data acquisition, short MDE, is a technology used to record and analyze machine operating data. They are often used in factories and production facilities to assist with fault monitoring and problem diagnosis. Machine data acquisition systems can record machine functions, machine statuses, processes and environmental conditions. In addition, some systems also allow the operation of the machine by the employee to be recorded and monitored

Machine data acquisition forms the Interface between devices in production and information processing in companies. Recording machine data creates greater transparency and therefore helps to optimize production processes in the long term. MDC is a major step towards the digitalization of production. Read this article to find out how machine data acquisition works and why it is an asset to your company.

What is the aim of machine data acquisition?

The overriding aim of machine data acquisition is to increase productivity in the long term. Analysis of the data can result in more efficient machine utilization and better order planning.

MDE systems perform the following tasks:

  • Production quantity recording
  • Real-time monitoring
  • Fault messages
  • Analysis of production data and faults
  • Storage of analysis data in the cloud

Machine data can be very diverse. In addition to information such as capacity utilization or machine status, machine data also includes the production quantity and energy consumption. There are two types of machine data, which are Process data and the Product data.

Process data

  • Data relating to the operation of the machine
  • Serve to monitor the production process

Product data

  • Data is generated in the course of production
  • Measurements of the production units
  • Allow quality analysis of production

What production data is available?

The production data serve as Key figures for industrial performance >and provide information about the quality of production. The relevant data can be qualitative as well as Quantitative and vary depending on the type of product. For example, they relate to the weight, thickness, temperature during production or even the number of units produced.

What are the advantages of machine data acquisition software?

Digitalization is an important success factor in industry. Just how important digitalized machine data acquisition is for increasing productivity becomes clear when you take a look at the benefits.

Software for machine data acquisition - these are the advantages at a glance

  • Reduction of downtimes
  • Optimization of machine availability
  • Better planning of maintenance work
  • Valuable findings for quality management

MDE software helps your company to increase productivity and thus maintain its competitiveness in the long term.

Digitalization of production - MDE software from MK|Ware

MK|Code is a Innovative software for machine data acquisition. It can be used to record production cycles and optimize manufacturing processes. Important questions about the production process or the performance of the machine can be answered directly - for more transparency, efficiency and to reduce costs. With our MK|Code software, we guarantee you complete traceability in every industry.

In addition to the use of our MK|Code software, a combination of this and our products is essential for integrated machine data acquisition. MK|MES and MK|Performance recommendable.

A major advantage of the MK|Ware software: it works manufacturer-independent and can therefore be optimally implemented in existing infrastructures. It is also individually scalable to your company's production processes.

Discover tomorrow's production possibilities today with the help of our analyses - arrange an appointment now non-binding consultation appointment. We look forward to your inquiry.